Picture of North Park 神学院 Cupola in 芝加哥


Reading Scripture, Being Church, and Telling Our Story as Intercultural Communities:


Join us in celebrating the installation of three endowed faculty chairs whose scholarly work exemplifies our seminary’s vocation to bring the best of the academy to the mission of the church: in multi-racial congregations, intercultural readings of Scripture, 建立有目的的叙述. Come get a taste of how your North Park 神学院 faculty together seek to discern the past in order to move forward in our complex world, training leaders in the art of telling visionary truth so they can inspire purposeful action—for God’s glory and neighbor’s good.


2月15日下午4:30 Installation of Endowed Chairs and Worship Service, 尼瓦尔大厅,艾萨克森教堂

2月16日9:00am-12:00pm 教师谈话, join in-person in Olsson Lounge located in Nyvall Hall on North Park University’s 芝加哥 campus or 注册在这里 to join the live stream of the lectures.

  • 9:00-9:15欢迎 & 开幕词| Dr. 丹尼斯·R. 爱德华,神学院院长
  • 9:15-10:00 大声点,做好冲击的准备: Anti-Asian Violence, 模范少数民族神话, and the Martyrs of Revelation 7:9-17 | Dr. 马克斯•李
  • 10:00-10:45 多民族的教会: Transformative or Status Quo | Dr. 米歇尔·道森
  • 10:45-11:30 有目的的叙述? Covenant History Past, Present, and Future | Dr. Hauna Ondrey
  • 11:30闭幕词| Dr. 丹尼斯·R. 爱德华,神学院院长


大声点,做好冲击的准备: Anti-Asian Violence, 模范少数民族神话, and the Martyrs of Revelation 7:9-17
马克斯·李,保罗·W. 布兰德尔圣经研究主席
The rise in anti-Asian violence since COVID-19 demonstrates that Asian Americans have a shared 历史 of persecution with other ethnic Americans, even as far back as The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. The Model Minority Myth threatens to silence their prophetic voice and re-write their story. Reading Revelation 7:9-17 interculturally, 马克斯•李 calls for a rejection of 模范少数民族神话, a solidarity with ethnic histories of resistance against injustice, 并提出了 sLambing as the way for God’s people to bear witness to Christ.

多民族的教会: Transformative or Status Quo?
米歇尔·道森, Milton B. Engebretson Chair in Evangelism and Justice
Dr. Dodson seeks to better understand the impact of multiracial churches beyond the four walls of the church. This lecture will explore the relationship between a multiracial church’s representation of race through talk, 文本, and imagery (its racial discourse) and how that church engages with the larger community in which it is situated (its social engagement). It will also explore the efficacy of pastors and other key leaders of multiracial churches in inculcating the stated values of their churches in those who attend.

Hauna Ondrey爆头有目的的叙述? Covenant History Past, Present, and Future
Hauna Ondrey, Wilma E. 彼得森教会历史讲座
对于一个小的, 总收入为教派, the 福音圣约教会 has an enormously rich historiography, within which ethnic identity has functioned variously across stages of demographic change. This lecture will trace the evolution of Covenant historiography itself, con文本ualizing our present discourse regarding purposeful narrative. It will secondly identify corollary priorities that must attend a commitment to purposeful narrative, outlining practical commitments required for an adequate genealogy of the Covenant to be a possibility.


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